About The Cryptocurrency Author’s

  1. CryptoReek, a.k.a Taariq Paul, is the son of immigrant parents from Trinidad. Taariq is an ex-convict who barely passed high school and turned his life around. He has made money from crypto, real estate, and other business endeavors before writing down his experiences. To teach the basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains, the author, with the help of Thysirpips, has developed a Cryptocurrency trading book for beginners.
    Taariq is married to Basia and they have two wonderful children: a daughter named Nevaeh and a son named Joaquin.
  2.  Thysirpips A.K.A William Sanchez is a Penn State University graduate. Eager to be at the top, he was the valedictorian at Oaksterdam University and spent time as an educator teaching those eager to learn about trading cryptocurrency/blockchain. His beginner’s guide for crypto has made understanding cryptocurrency for beginners easier than ever. The finance author has two amazing sons: Abel and William.